
The Dalešice Brewery - Place of Meeting, Exploring and Reviving Traditions and Crafts


The innovative use of the cultural monument of The Dalešice Brewery consists in reviving the monument by modernizing the existing brewery tour thanks to interactive multimedia elements with the aim to make the brewery museum more attractive to its visitors. The revitalization of this cultural heritage will be completed by bringing various cultural and educational events related to the brewing industry, traditions and festivities to the premises of the brewery.

Virtual tour of the museum


Beer Day (1 March 2024)

For the second time during the implementation of the project, the Dalešice Brewery prepared a celebration of the so-called Beer Day open to the general public. As during the first event, the organizers brought visitors closer to the traditions associated with brewing and also revealed the background of the beer holiday, which has been celebrated in Iceland since 1989, in "honour" of the abolition of prohibition in Iceland. During the celebration of the holiday in Iceland, litres of beer are drunk, locals celebrate in bars and restaurants and the beer flows.

celý článek

Christmas tree lighting event (3 December 2023)

On 3 December, the traditional Christmas tree lighting took place in the Dalešice Brewery. This time, the pre-Christmas atmosphere was enhanced by fresh snow, which illustrated the uniqueness of the Advent season. The fresh snow provided also space for spontaneous fun for children who came to the event together with their parents.


Thematic Conference: Sustainable Cultural Monuments: Innovative use,Funding, Promotion (2 November 2023)

The thematic conference intended for the professional public from the field of cultural monuments management, museology and related fields was organized in accordance with the project objectives, namely to inform the target group about the possibilities of using cultural monuments innovatively and sustainably.The content of presentationsaimed at topics related mainly to the development, management and daily life of cultural monuments as well as the promotion of cultural monuments in the Czech Republic and abroad.


Reviving forgotten and disappearing crafts (14 October 2023)

After animated tours and performances, visitors had the opportunity to see andexperience other forgotten or disappearing crafts. We have prepared a rich programme for all generations. For children, an interactive path with several ´stations´ was set. Here, children could test their knowledge about the crafts; after completing the tasks they received a small gift in the form of a wooden puzzle.


Hrabal Night (26 August 2023)

After a year, Uncle Pepin roared again in the Dalešice Brewery, as the popular event called "Hrabal Night" took place within the project supported by the EEA and Norway Grants. On this day, visitors regularly find themselves for a while in the Czech legendary movie Postřižiny, especially thanks to the scenes performed by actors of the theatre group D.U.S.O.T. which is one of the project partners.


Opening of the innovative multimedia tour of the Dalešice Brewery Museum (9 June 2023)

On 9 June 2023, the innovative multimedia tour of the Brewery Museum was officially opened. The project called "The Dalešice Brewery - a place of meeting, learning and reviving traditions and crafts" has been implemented since June 2022 in cooperation with the Icelandic partner "The Technical Museum in Akureyri" thanks to the support of the EEA and Norway Grants. The opening ceremony was attended ...


Reviving forgotten and disappearing crafts (13 May 2023)

The tours were followed, as in autumn last year, by the event "Reviving forgotten and disappearing crafts", where traditional crafts, unknown to many, were presented to the visitors using direct demonstrations of their activities and production. This time, we have revived the crafts showcase with letterpress painting. The letterpress artist showed visitors how records were kept in earlier times, for example, brewery brew sheets.


Not only the brewery custodian is the master of the brewery (13 May 2023)

For the second time already, the event "Not only the brewery custodian is the master of the brewery" took place, which again, as in October 2022, attracted a large number of visitors. Actors from the DUSOT theatre association presented the crafts associated with brewing in a humorous and informative way. The event was a great success for the second time, even to the extent that the maximum capacity of 20 visitors ...


Easter festivities (1 April 2023)

A week before Easter, we prepared a programme for visitors focused on presenting the differences in celebrating Easter in the Czech Republic and Iceland. The programme was designed to show local customs and the main character of these festivities. While in our country both Christian and pagan traditions are observed, in Iceland this holiday is more civil. People visit each other's families, relax and spend time in nature.


Participation in the EVENTFEST fair (23 March 2023)

On 21 March, the Dalešice Brewery participated in the "EVENTFEST" fair aimed at event marketing- related topics and activities. The event took place in ´Cubex Center Prague´ and the ´City Conference Center´. At the stand of the Dalešice Brewery, visitors were provided with the information on possibilities of using the brewery premises for event tourism. In accordance with the project aim and the objectives of the respective ...


Beer Day (3 March 2023)

Celebration of the so-called Beer Day was another event in a series of activities organised by the Dalešice Brewery for the general public within the framework of the project. The aim was to show Czech visitors how and why this Feast is celebrated in Iceland. Beer Day is an Icelandic holiday, introduced in 1989, the year when prohibition in the country was abolished. Every year on this day, litres of beer are consumed as Icelanders ...


Mardi Gras and ´Doughnut Day´ at the Dalešice Brewery (4 February 2023)

Celebration of Mardi Gras and Doughnut Day were other of the events organised for public within the project supported by the EEA and Norway Grants, in connection with the presentation of Czech and Icelandic traditions and customs. Doughnut Day is an Icelandic traditional event celebrated seven weeks before Easter. The festivity was part of the Mardi Gras carnival held in Dalešice village every year thanks to the engagement of local firefighters.


A Christmas tree lighting event article (27 November)

On 27 November a Christmas tree lighting event in the brewery premises presented under the title "Christmas in traditional and untraditional way" was organised by the Dalešice Brewery together with its Czech and Icelandic partners. The aim was not only to present traditional customs of both countries at Advent time, but also to introduce visitors to traditional Christmas dishes of Iceland.


Animated tours introducing visitors to traditional crafts in relation to brewing (15 October)

On Saturday 15 October, the Dalešice Brewery in cooperation with the project partner, the Theatre Association D.U.S.O.T., organized animated tours of the brewery. According to the surveymade among the event´s participants, visitorscamefrom nearby area, but also from other regions such as Moravian-Silesian and Zlín ones,oreven from Prague. Information about the eventhad beenpromoted in advance via social media, leaflets, some of the visitors had been addressed also by direct invitation.


Reviving forgotten and disappearing crafts (15 October)

Simultaneously with the animated tours and performances, visitors had the opportunity to see andexperience other forgotten or disappearing crafts, namely cooper, wheelwright, blacksmith and coffin maker. The presentation of these professions took place thanks to the presence of the realcraft-persons, as in the case of coopers or blacksmiths who came from the Secondary Vocational School in Moravské Budějovice. In addition, other professions such as wheelwright, coffin maker were introduced and presented by young actors.


Hrabal Night (5 August 2022)

The opening conference was followed by the event called ,,Hrabal Night”, named after the author of the novel, the movie Postřižiny was based on, and shot in the premises of the Dalešice brewery in the 80s of the 20th Century.


Opening Conference (5 August 2022)

On 5 August 2022, the Opening Conferencethat officially launched the project "Dalešice Brewery – A Place of Meeting, Exploringand Reviving Traditions and Crafts"took placein the brewerypremises.The conference was attended by representatives of the target groups from general public and NGOs.


Event calendar

Don't forget to write in your diaries ...

March 2024

    • Beer Day (1. 3. 2024)
    • Not only the brewery custodian is the master of the brewery (23. 3. 2024)

December 2023

    • Christmas tree lighting event (3. 12. 2023)   more info

November 2023

    • Thematic Conference: Sustainable Cultural Monuments: Innovative use,Funding, Promotion (2. 11. 2023)   more info

October 2023

    • Animated tours ,,Not only the brewery manager is the master of the brewery" (14. 10. 2023)   more info
    • Reviving forgotten and disappearing crafts (14. 10. 2023)   more info

August 2023

    • Visit of representatives of the DalešiceBrewery to Iceland (11. - 17. 8. 2023)   more info
    • Hrabal Night (26. 8. 2023)   more info

June 2023

    • Opening of the innovative multimedia tour of the Dalešice Brewery Museum (9. 6. 2023)   more info

May 2023

    • Reviving forgotten and disappearing crafts (13. 5. 2023)   more info
    • Not only the brewery custodian is the master of the brewery (13. 5. 2023)   more info

April 2023

March 2023

February 2023

November - december 2022

    • Advent in the brewery (od 27. 11. 2022)   more info

October 2022

    • Event ´Reviving Forgotten Traditional Crafts´followed by the Brewery Festival (15. 10. 2022)  
      Live performances introducing visitors to traditional crafts in relation to brewing, dating from old times, presentation of Czech and Icelandic traditional customs, marathon of special tours and performances in period costumes   more info  /  newspaper
    • Nejenom pan správce je pivovarů pán (15. 10. 2022)  
      Maratón speciálních prohlídek a divadelních vstupů v dobových oblecích.   more  /  newspaper

August 2022